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Show Notes
This edition of Project Dream Mastery focuses on helping you to realize the true power that your dreams possess and how to unlock the potential for accomplishing those dreams. The hosts of the show, Lucas Johnson and Patryk Labuzek will help guide you through this journey. The topic for this episode is ‘why don’t you do more’ which is not only a deep question but concern for many.
Every individual is aware of the things that will make them happier, the dreams which once accomplished will mean the world to them but despite the sheer realization, they choose to not act on them. In the depths of our hearts, we are aware of our deepest desires, and despite this we do not care to do more in our lives. So the question arises, why don’t we do more in our personal, professional, and social lives? Why don’t we act on things which shall make us happier and more successful? These are some of the intense questions which the hosts of the show will raise in this episode and perhaps will also guide you to find your own answers. People are surrounded by multiple responsibilities that keep them occupied throughout the day. At times, choosing between things that will make you happy versus the things that will make others happy, can make all the difference.
In most of the situations, people simply choose to blame their job or responsibilities for not being able to do something. But the truth is that they do not want to leave their comfort zones to explore new horizons. Have you ever spent a huge chunk of your day goofing around or browsing social media only to realize that you could have spent that time in doing something productive?
If your answer is also yes, jump into the episode to find yourself in disbelief and taking charge of your own life. Your brain is always in a state of development and therefore you can be productive no matter the activity or state of mind. You do not need to sit down with a pen and paper to measure your productivity, especially if you are in a creative field. What matters at the end of the day is the extra effort that you put into developing yourself. Jump into the episode to here the hosts talk about travel journeys, careers, business ideas, motivations, dreams, and their love lives or the lack of one! At the end of the day, what counts is finding your passion.
You'll Learn
You lose sight of opportunities when you are not going out of your comfort zone.
The role of a true sense of achievement in defining happiness.
The purpose of networking in the long run.
How to invest your time in things that matter for your happiness.
What it means to boost your confidence as part of ‘doing more’ exercise.
How relaxing your mind and body is essential for being productive.
The importance of making your partner feel loved and valued in a relationship.
Quotes From This Episode
If the quotes below resinate with you, we ask that you please share them with your network as your friends might find them just as inspiring! Thank you for being A-M-A-ZING and taking on the challenge to pursue your dreams with us, by your side.
At the end of the day, what counts is finding your passion. Share on XTime is limited for every one of us and it's critical to prioritize what's really important and to help people. And in order to help people, we need to receive help as well. Share on X
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Take a few minutes to analyze your life for ways you can do more to improve your relationships.
- Listen to “PDM 003: Half The Battle is Just Showing Up“
Check out “Project Job Interview” (Coming Fall 2020) by Coachington – an academy for the dreamers!
- Check out Patryk's Travel Blog, Always Somewhere! [alwayssomewhere.net]
PDM 005: Why Don't You Do More?
Narrator: Welcome to the home of Project Dream Mastery! Here at PDM, we are challenging the status quo of what it means to follow your dreams and how to unlock the power those dreams will bring to your life. The show experience will be unscripted, authentic and transparent. So now sit back, relax and get inspired with your hosts Lucas Johnson and Patryk Labuzek.
Lucas P. Johnson: Hello and welcome to the fifth episode of the Project Dream Mastery show, where we help inspire you to follow your dreams, defy expectations, dream big and love deeply. My name is Lucas Johnson and...
Patryk Labuzek: I am Patryk Labuzek
Lucas P. Johnson: Just in case you are interested in the full experience, this episode is available with video. So check out our website at ProjectDreamMastery.com/listen to watch now. The topic for today's episode is Why Don't You Do More? And this particular topic builds on episode three, Half the Battle is Just Showing Up. So today's topic is going to be intense and I'm excited. Paddy, you pumped?
Patryk Labuzek: I'm always pumped for each of our episodes. They 're just so great. After re-listening to them like five or 10 times, I just get so many new ideas. It just builds out that excitement for the next show.
Lucas P. Johnson: You get the goosebumps, right? thinking about different topics that base off of what we're talking about. It's amazing. It's awesome. So if you're listening, we hope that you get inspired and excited for what we're about to go into. And we are really going to dive deep into this topic. So deep down, we all know what it is that we need to do. We know what will make us healthier, what will make us happier, what will help us grow and ultimately, what dreams we wish were a reality. And despite all of that, we choose not to act on it. And so it never becomes a reality. Just think about that. You want me to repeat that, Paddy?
Patryk Labuzek: Repeat it again.
Lucas P. Johnson: Deep down, we all know what it is that we need to do. We know what will make us healthier, what will make us happier, what will help us grow and ultimately, what dreams we wish were a reality. And despite all of that, we choose not to act on it. And so it never becomes a reality. Why don't we do more? Why don't we do more in our lives? Why don't we do more in our personal, social, professional lives? Why don't we do more when it comes to our jobs or things we want to do? Our dreams, our passions, the things that make us so happy? And sometimes we get up to go to work and you just sit there and think, wow, am I really happy doing what I'm doing? And that is kind of what we're going to take a deeper dive into today. Are you really happy? What can you do more of to make you more successful and happy? So, Paddy, I'm going to ask you a question off the bat and I'm sure you are not ready for this one because it's really personal and I'm going to answer it too. So Paddy, what is one thing that you regret not doing in your life?
Patryk Labuzek: Hmm. Yeah, there we go. That's a surprise question right there. It's a great one nevertheless. Yeah, man, I feel like not going out of my comfort zones enough is what kind of steps me back a lot of the times I think, and even though I got better at it over the years especially in the past four to five years or so. But I've lost many opportunities for a lot of great things in the past just because I was too shy. I was too afraid to go outside my boundaries. And so, I think putting it simply out there is going out of your comfort zone. That was the big one for me. And if I did, if I did embrace a challenge, if I did go out and do a lot of these things that kind of came up, I don't know where I feel that I would be more successful or even I would say more full as in I would feel a sense of that I've achieved more. But I've missed out because I didn't do certain things.
Lucas P. Johnson: So coming out of your comfort zone is something that you wish you would have done more throughout your life, throughout your years? Or is there a specific time in your life where it really has played more of a role on your decision more so than now I guess? Is there a point in your life where you truly wish that you would've came out of your comfort zone?
Patryk Labuzek: There were definitely a few points in my life that basically that happened. It's hard to pick one out right now. But I feel like I had my own company on my own startup back in the day and that kind of happened by pure chance I would say. Maybe it was luck. Maybe I was doing something right at the given time. But I'd been presented with an opportunity, like to expand it more, to make it something bigger. But it required a lot more work. It required a lot of my attention. It required things that I wasn't willing to sacrifice at that given time. And that's because it was high school, I was preparing to do my leaving cert. All of you who are not from Ireland, leaving cert is like your high school exam before you go into university, college. Right? So there was a lot of this going on. I was busy with my martial arts and I didn't put a hundred percent into my company. Whereas I know now that if I embraced what was out there, the opportunity that I was given, meeting new people, networking more and, being more out there, it would definitely have benefited me more in the long run. And who knows? Maybe now it'll be even something bigger than originally it was. So I think that answers your question there, Lucas.
Lucas P. Johnson: Yeah. That's exactly what I was looking for. And I think it's really relative to our topic is coming out of your comfort zones. I was watching a video yesterday, I believe, and I may be wrong. I apologize on the name, Sunny Lenarduzzi. And believe that is her name and her title on YouTube. But basically she was defining how you can be successful and what success means. And I know we talked about that last week but it's focusing on how starting a company or starting a business or starting something in your life requires a lot of time. It requires you to invest a lot of time that you necessarily may not have or you may have and you just put into other things and you invest your time not so wisely. So for me, one thing I struggle with is do I choose to go to the bar with my friends or do I stay home and work on Project Dream Mastery or Coachington or one of our many entities that we've been working on that is--it's complicated. We have to come out of our comfort zones to 1) go out and do something crazy like starting a business. I mean nowadays in 2020 going into 2021 very, very soon, we struggle to say okay, I want to put myself in this position, I want to change my circumstances but it's really, really tough to do that because I don't have the time.
Patryk Labuzek: Exactly, Luke. Because if I can jump in right there, it's difficult to do that because I feel like for many of us becoming happy, doing things that we would love to do is that kind of like a dream. Maybe we see it as very far fetched but it requires a lot of work and I mean like a lot of hard work, a lot of your time, a lot of devotion to the bigger picture, whatever you may have in your head to achieve that dream. And a lot of us just being purely lazy because that's what it is, we do not want to take step, that extra step, that extra mile to make something wonderful, something great just because it's too hard.
Lucas P. Johnson: We don't do enough though. We have so much on our plate, Paddy, but apparently we don't do more. I mean the title of our topic for today is Why Don't You Do More. And that is sometimes a really tough question because we have so much going on in our lives and maybe you have children, maybe you have a second job, maybe you're going to school. All these things play a toil on your life and they take away time. And, Paddy, his regret is not doing in his life is coming out of his comfort zones. Nowadays, I think Paddy's really coming out of his comfort zones whether he's climbing coconut trees or going up to the locals and asking them to cook up their fanciest dish. It's really, really neat to see different perspectives in play. Paddy, since you were so kind and shared your biggest regret or one of the things that you regret in your life.
Patryk Labuzek: Definitely one of them. Yeah.
Lucas P. Johnson: One of them. I don't think we all have a biggest regret. I don't think we really all have regrets and you'll understand what we mean by the end of this to be completely transparent. But one of my regrets and for y'all that don't know, I'm based out of Charlotte, North Carolina. I moved here for a job. Again, we both have full time jobs and we do this as a hobby. We really enjoy it. Really enjoy helping y'all and inspiring you. But I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina in September of 2019 for work. And I never really truly made a ton of friends. I do have a few really good friends that I was fortunate enough to meet when I first arrived. But it has been months since I met someone new or even added a new local friend to my circle. Now this was entirely my fault. See, when I was abroad with Paddy, I made a ton of friends because it was just so easy. I mean we clicked with everyone. We made so many friends. Invite 20 or 30 people over to my little tiny apartment with four other roommates or suite mates I had and people would just go crazy. We'd go up to the roof. We made friends because it was easy. People were like-minded. People wanted to make friends. But whenever you're out and the real world and you are trying to get yourself involved in different communities, this is their daily life. It's tough when you move to a new location and you want to make friends but other people may not want to make friends. But now I blame my work schedule on everything. The truth is I'm not doing anything to improve my current situation. I mean COVID-19 is currently occurring and it's a pandemic so you can't do much to begin with. But I'm not doing anything to really improve making friends here in Charlotte and it's not necessarily that I don't want to. It's because I've chose and I've elected to invest my time elsewhere. And going back to coming out of your comfort zones, I'm an extrovert. I really enjoy meeting new people. Sometimes I can be an introvert whenever I'm having a bad day or something. I think we all have those days. But meeting people is cool but sometimes you have to do more for other things in your life and I've elected to spend more time on businesses. I've spent more time on my professional career and so forth. And making friends is great. I have a ton of them. Don't get me wrong. I have a bunch of friends in different areas all over the world now which is amazing. I'm so humbled and grateful to have all these friends. But I regret now being in Charlotte for almost a year and not getting out of my comfort zone to go meet new people. It can be tough. It can be really tough sometimes especially when you have all these other things you want to do and you just don't have enough time. So Paddy, another question coming your way. Do you ever find yourself sitting around watching TV, playing games, scrolling social media and realizing after an hour that you could have been doing something more productive?
Patryk Labuzek: A hundred percent, a hundred percent. It's a problem of the 21st century I think. Scrolling through social media and being distracted by video games or a new Netflix TV show that comes out every second day. So, it's difficult to fully concentrate on what you should do, going back to our topic, what you should do to make our dream a reality. And yeah, even yesterday, I had a bad headache, came back home and couldn't do much. But instead of actually sitting down, taking a painkiller and being like okay, we have to do this. Okay. Like now is the time. I would rather just sit down, relax and put on a TV show, for example. So that's not great. And how about yourself, Lucas? I'm pretty sure that you've got plenty of things like that in your life as well.
Lucas P. Johnson: Oh, yeah. I will sit down and watch TV for four or five hours and I'll look at the clock and go, phew, where did time go? And then I go oh, five hours of TV was pretty great. Did I get anything productive done? No. Why didn't I do more? Or when I'm going to bed at 11:00 PM. 12 o'clock comes around, I'm still watching TV. And then I finally get up, go brush my teeth, floss, the whole nine yards, I'm pretty regimented. And I'm sitting there. All right. Time to go to bed. Lay my head down, pull out the phone, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, a little Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, all those little apps that are on there. Just single man sitting there and just scrolling through and I look at the clock and I go hmm, yep, it's 2:00 AM. I need to go to bed. Two hours later. So yes, Paddy I've been there. I've been there.
Patryk Labuzek: But don't you ever feel that, or I wouldn't say feel, but don't you ever get motivated all of a sudden to do something? You know that it's going to be great. You're going to make something amazing even though you might be watching a Netflix TV show or been scrolling through Bumble or Tinder.
Lucas P. Johnson: You got to do what you got to do.
Patryk Labuzek: That's right. Yeah. And all of a sudden you get a feeling that you should do this, like something is driving you to do a particular thing whether that's right now recording this episode of our podcast or maybe it's something completely else, working on one of your businesses. Anyway, don't you ever get that kind of feeling, this kind of drive to do something out of nowhere?
Lucas P. Johnson: I do and it actually happens all the time. Even when I'm on Facebook and Instagram late at night, I have a notebook or I have a little notepad right here or sticky notes. This one, for example, says comfort zone on it because I like to write things down that we can relate back to and we can also bring up in the next episode or we can relate back to for show notes and so forth. But when I'm sitting down and I think of something that's great or an idea, I'll pull out a piece of paper or my notepad or even my phone and make a note of it because I think wow, that's a great idea. I could really implement that in that business, r I can implement that into my life to make me more productive. So just because you are playing on those apps, watching Netflix or playing on those apps, you still can be productive. Your brain is still working. And if you're anything like me or I'm sure Patryk, as well, your brain is always under a state of development. It's like a sponge. And in our course project job interview, which we'll be releasing here in the next month, we talk about that. We talk about how your brain is a sponge and you'll have the opportunity to kind of take in things all throughout your life. You're always learning and you're always getting a new perspective on how certain things can change your life.
Patryk Labuzek: See, I'm glad you said that, Lucas, the whole thing that you also get this sudden urge and you just get to it. You write it down in your notes or start implementing it in one of your in businesses. And the reason for that I think while I'm analyzing myself, at least for me, is that at the back of my head, I'm going back to our last episode talking about what is success. I have a certain goal. I have an overview on what success is to me. I have a dream and even though I might be doing something completely unrelated and something that doesn't help me at all to achieve my dreams, at the back of my head, this part is lingering all the time. When you get that urge, you're like oh, that's a great idea. What I do is I get right into work and it's been thousands of times. I mean thousands of times that I'm going to get a great idea. I'm going to put in 24 hours or I'm not going to sleep the entire night to do something, to implement it in my own business, to do something with my blog that I think oh, man, this is going to be great. It doesn't always work out. And honestly, it doesn't work out 90% of the time.
Lucas P. Johnson: Maybe 99%?
Patryk Labuzek: Even 99.99%. But maybe I'm just unlucky. Like I said, maybe I'm not doing something right. But I think at the end of the day, we are pushing our boundaries by doing that, by having this thought in the back of our head. And what's most important is it's not a bad thing, for all of you listeners, if you're listening to our podcast right now or you're scrolling through Instagram, scrolling through Facebook and you're not doing anything to achieve your goals, we need time to relax. We need time to kind of escape our reality from time to time, to kind of feel like we're on holidays, to feel relaxed. But that 1% that you give, that super hard work, I think it's going to pay off in the long run for any one of else because by doing something extra whatever it may be, you're investing in yourself.
Lucas P. Johnson: Heck, yeah! Paddy, going back to your 90%, 95%, so forth and where I came in and said 99%, just because you--you can have these great ideas and they are fantastic ideas and even write them down on your sticky notes, write them down on your notepad and you get straight to work on those ideas. And that's how you're going to be successful. But again, going back to time management and coming out of your comfort zones, you're doing something extraordinary already by getting up and doing something at say at 12 o'clock at night, you have this great idea so you start working on it. And the next day you have the chance to reflect and learn from it. And most entrepreneurs, they fail 99% of the time. That's why they're entrepreneurs. They're only looking for that success 1% of the time. So if you're out there and you are trying to do something incredible and change your circumstances, change your life and do more for yourself and your family and your future, heck, yeah, Paddy and I, we love you. We're all about that. We love entrepreneurs. We love people that are seeking out their dreams. And Paddy is constantly chasing his and he's got all kinds of things going on outside of Project Dream Mastery and Coachington. But he still manages to give time to the show and his commitment to the company and all of this because he loves it. He believes in the mission and the purpose and he loves helping people and inspiring people. So, Paddy, I want to--
Patryk Labuzek: Thanks for that, Lucas. But you're exactly the same. So, guys, it's not only me but Lucas does all that extra work, puts in every effort to make this podcast happen, to make Coachington happen, to do all those extra things, his own businesses and his full time work, eight hours a day, sometimes more. So it's really that extra bits and pieces, that extra minute that you put into developing yourself, putting it out there for other people to make other people happy, to help other people without looking for, I don't know, any prize or--
Lucas P. Johnson: Award.
Patryk Labuzek: Without getting anything out of it. That's putting it out there. That's putting the good energy out there and I don't know about you Lucas, but I believe that good energy always comes back to you.
Lucas P. Johnson: Karma. Paddy, you're wearing a yellow shirt, I'm wearing a yellow shirt, your face is kind of yellow on the production side right now. But let me tell you, outside of being yellow on camera and wearing yellow, I would like to describe Paddy as yellow, as happy, as a big giant ray of sunshine. And Paddy, I appreciate all those kind words and with that, I think--
Patryk Labuzek: Likewise.
Lucas P. Johnson: Yeah, let's dive kind of deeper and focus in on why don't you do more and examine a few different areas of our lives. So we talked about regret. Okay. That's a huge, huge step in our lives of discussing things in our lives that we regret because most of the time, we hold those back from the world. I regret a lot of things but I don't necessarily want to go back and change those because I'm happy where I am in my life. So now that we've identified regret and why don't you do more because of regret, let's move onto your love life. Love life plays a huge part on kind of why don't you do more in that sense? Why don't you do more in your relationship? Why don't you go out on dates? Why don't you go to the movies? Why don't you, all those group into dates? Why don't you spend more quality time with the person? Or why don't you text them more? Or why don't you call them more? Those are all the questions you have to ask yourself because when you get in a relationship and we've all been there, sometimes we forget. We forget how important that person is to us until they're gone and you go through a breakup, most couples go through at least one or two bad fights that end up in a breakup and it's something tough to admit. But we learn from it and we go back to that giant sponge example is your brain is constantly evolving and becoming better and better equipped to handle different situations. So Paddy, examining that from your perspective, love life, how many times have you been in a situation where you could've said why don't you do more for your love life? Why don't you do more to improve the circumstances or the situation that you're in now or to even improve your love life?
Patryk Labuzek: Very cheesy question there. I think once or twice, definitely. And the most recent one I think I can think of is when I spent my year in China. I had a relationship going on towards the end of it with a great girl, amazing girl and had a lot of fun. But there was a lot of obstacles, external obstacles that impacted the way the relationship ended up. That was me being in the final year. I had to concentrate on different exams which was very, very important at that time. And I think it's like a scale, Lucas. It's weighing up what's more important, having priorities, what's your priority at the given time. So sometimes we just like deciding that work or our dream, not in my case, but work which was the case for me was more important than developing or giving time to the other person and that has negatively impacted the relationship obviously. But I think that's the example I can think of on top of my head right now.
Lucas P. Johnson: So, why didn't you do more to make your situation better in your love life? Is it because you just had other commitments that you wanted to focus on? I mean going back to you coming out of your comfort zones and time management, did you just elect to, you just didn't think it was the best point in your life to be in that current circumstance or current position?
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. No, a hundred percent. Definitely wasn't the right time to be fully committed both to a relationship and to my degree and coming into the real world I would say of working a full time job. On top of that, I'm just going to add, that it was the final few weeks of my time in China before I flew over to meet you in the United States for our big trip and then going back home to work. So there was a lot of everything was going on. Like everything that you could possibly think was going on. That was getting your grades, writing thesis, applying for jobs, preparing myself for the next trip, preparing myself to come home, packing, financial situation, closing bank accounts, all the grownup stuff happening. And it was just the lack of time. But I'm not going to say it wasn't my fault because obviously it was because I didn't give the time that I was supposed to give. And I think I'd it's just prioritizing what was important. And maybe I didn't know what was important to me at that time or what should have been the most important thing in my life at that time and place. So, we do learn from our mistakes and I feel like that's the only way we learn, through our mistakes. And that's how we develop.
Lucas P. Johnson: We're constantly evolving. We're trying to figure out what's best for ourselves and what's best for our current circumstances and situation. My mom always said growing up, if you love someone, let them go and see if they come back. Because if they come back, you know it's a real thing. And sometimes we're human. We're supposed to meet a lot of people and we go through the process and we have to figure out what's right for us and what's best for us. And ultimately, whenever you can make that a 'us' and a 'we', then you know that it's the right person because when you're only thinking about yourself, that means that you aren't necessarily focused on the right things and that's why you aren't doing more. And that's why you are going through your life and you're focused just on you. You need to get something done or achieve something to make yourself happy. And I'll give you example of that is right now in my life, I've kind of put the whole dating thing on hold because for me, like I have all these things I want to accomplish. And if you're listening to Project Dream Mastery right now, I'm sure you have a lot of things you want to accomplish too. I want to accomplish starting a very successful business. I want to accomplish finding something I'm passionate about from scuba diving to even paintball. 23 years old and still love paintball. I love to go out there and shoot the bags and all that good stuff that comes around with it. It's just fun. So finding what things make you passionate and looking at it from my past. I've had my relationships. I've dated a few people and they've been long-term relationships. I've had a few that were just flings. We go through that. That's just how it is. My biggest regret in my life for relationships wise is, and you learn from this, is going back to the sponge, you learn from your mistakes and you learn from your regrets is letting someone go that you really care about because of distance. Again, you let someone go and see if they come back. That's one of my regrets because so many times I compare what my relationship was then to what it should be nowadays. And we get content. We get satisfied with what we had previously but we never understand that relationships are supposed to evolve just like our brain is, just like we are as people, just as everything else. We're supposed to give people and find different qualities and everyone's unique in their own way. You're never going to find the same person twice. We all have unique DNA. We are all unique in our own personalities. We're all unique. So that's my example. And I think that brings us into the next kind of focus point is confidence. For confidence, why don't you do more to build yourself up? Why don't you put yourself, kind of going into the comfort zones, is why don't you throw yourself in a different situations that don't necessarily make you super comfortable? Why don't you get yourself involved in extracurricular activities or sports or recreational leagues or adult leagues or anything like that that kind of builds your confidence and allows you to grow? Think about why don't you do more there. Paddy, have you ever been in situations where you're why don't I get myself involved in something that's going to bring me out of my current comfort zone, that's going to help me bolster and boost my confidence so much so that I'm able to grow?
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. And confidence, like you said, is a big one. And that's going back to what I said at the start with your first question and not going out of my comfort zone. The reason I think why I didn't got out of my comfort zone is because I didn't feel confident and I'm not saying I should. I was 15, maybe 16, starting my own business. Definitely too young for that I think or too young to start a successful business, too young to start a serious business. And I lacked the confidence to go out, to speak with people who are 20 years older than me, 30 years older than me, going to those serious meetings, wearing a shirt. That was me lacking confidence to walk into the big man world. You know what I mean? And I feel like I've encountered this throughout my years. So, with my startup, that was definitely the first time. But even like going back to Australia, it took a big step for me to go out and meet all these people. I mean all those amazing people and I'm glad I made that step. I'm glad I built up my confidence to the point now but--let's not skip ahead--to the point now where I'm like yeah, I'm confident. I can go and chat to you. Anyone I can have a conversation with. It doesn't matter if you're 15. It doesn't matter if you're 55 or 80. It's having proper conversations with people, building that confidence that allows you to not be stressed out, to be confident in yourself, to be confident in the person that you are and doing what you love and giving to people and listening to people most of all and learning from them. Self-confidence is a big one, a big one to achieve our dreams, a big one for a lot of things, for a lot of aspects in our lives.
Lucas P. Johnson: I think confidence overlaps all of the kind of focus areas that we've had today that we're examining. Because if you don't have confidence, you're not going to improve from your regrets because you're not going to do something different. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result. If you're going through your life and you're doing the same thing over and over again because you don't have confidence, you're making a huge mistake. You need to work on boosting your confidence in different areas. And I'll tell you just an example of something that I'm working through currently because it's about being transparent but there's also situations where people need to hear this. I am 5'10". I was 270 pounds when I graduated college. Before that, I was 178 pounds my senior year of high school. So you can guess that I probably put on about a hundred pounds from that point, between four years. And I won't give anything credit to but I will say that beer and tequila may have done a lot as well as my late night pokey sticks that I'd have whenever I attended university, pizza sticks basically. That had an effect on it. So if you're listening right now and you struggle with weight or you struggle with weight loss or you just struggle with personal confidence or body confidence or however you want to phrase it or body image I guess is quote unquote the right word to use, if you struggle with that, let me be the first to tell you that I also struggle with it. But at the end of the day, I've learned that I love myself. I'm confident with who I am as a person. I'm confident with my personality. I'm confident with who I want to become. But I also know that I can change my circumstances if I really want to change them. So over the last 10 weeks, and Paddy, I can't believe it's been 10 weeks since we last really talked about anything weight loss, but over the last 10 weeks, I am going on week 11, I was able to lose 20 pounds. I went through a nutrition program. I decided to eliminate all these foods and all these things from my life. Well, not eliminate but I've chose to and I've elected to choose healthier options. I eat salmon like two times a day because I love it. I'll have peppers with meat and all this stuff. I'm eating so much food, more than I ever did before and it's so healthy and nutritious and I feel the best I have ever felt in my life. So if you struggle with confidence and body image, just think about what you can do to do more in your life to transform that because it's possible. I'm a prime example. I'm now down to 200 pounds. I was 270 pounds last year, 2019 to July, I guess May of 2019 and now it's July of 2020. One year, I lost 70 pounds. I've done it healthy. I've focused on different programs and did different things. So I'm going to pose a question to you, the listener and our supporter. Why don't you do more to improve yourself? Take a minute. Think about that. Why don't you do more to make yourself happier both in your love life, in your comfort zones, in your regrets, and maybe spiritually? It's why don't you do more? Paddy, I want to jump into a few more topics before we even remotely think about closing the show today. We're going to jump into your professional life. And I think this is one that Paddy as a lot to add to.
Patryk Labuzek: I know. That's a tough one.
Lucas P. Johnson: And I will also add. But remember, why don't you do more to make yourself more successful professionally, personally and socially? Paddy, what is one thing that you could be doing right now in say your full time job to help you progress and go up the ladder but also impact the clients that you work with? And I mean you don't have to go into details but just high level, what could you do better to improve your current circumstances?
Patryk Labuzek: Put in more time. I think everything that we talk about always goes back to time. Our days are only 24 hours long. I wish they were 48 but they're not.
Lucas P. Johnson: I know.
Patryk Labuzek: We only have 24 hours and you've got to sleep. I mean some say eight hours. That's the time you should sleep. For me, it's more like six, sometimes less. It's not great but it goes back to the lack of time. And for me to develop more professionally, to be able to do more in my professional life, to have clients more, I would definitely need to put in more time. And I'm not just saying more time into projects, more time in meetings. I'm saying more time into developing my own skills right now that would benefit my clients or the company that I work for and myself in the future, in the near future and in the distant future. So I think that's about it.
Lucas P. Johnson: Time. Why don't you give more time? I'm just going to skip past that because I think we all know how much time impacts our lives. And I think that's a huge point for everything we're going to talk about is you have 24 hours in a day, you only have so many seconds and you sometimes 10 seconds of someone says something to you, it impacts the rest of your day. Think about those 10 seconds and yeah, throw them out because you have so many more seconds ahead of you in the day to make a bigger impact on your productivity, your life and your happiness. So with that said, let's just skip over that. But professionally, make sure that you get yourself doing something that's going to help you or be beneficial such as doing a certification or participating in webinars and seminars and so forth and training that's going to help you become better and more intelligent. And we are all lifelong learners. I never wanted to believe my teachers saying that to me in high school and middle school and college. We're lifelong learners. I never wanted to admit that. But the truth is we are. We are constantly learning from other people. Whether you're just starting a job or you've been in the workforce for many years, you always learn something new from someone else, from the way that they've developed a procedure or policy that's helped impact your life or the process that's making things easier for you. We are constantly learning from our mistakes and also learning from other people. So, do more in the sense of progressing how fast you're able to do something or change the processes that are going to help you. So next, we're going to move into entrepreneurship. Since you're on Project Dream Mastery, this is a huge topic for us as well as the podcast overall is we are all entrepreneurs even though we don't think we are. It's kind of like a self-declared title. Being an entrepreneur, anyone that has an idea that's passionate and is going to pursue it. You have to pursue it to be an entrepreneur. You can't just think of the idea and call yourself an entrepreneur. You actually have to do it and put in the effort and probably get to the point where you fail. You actually commit to it and put it out there in public. That's an entrepreneur. But I like to think we are all entrepreneurs deep down because we can all take charge of our lives. We can all make an impact in our lives. Our family is so crucial to who we are. Our time is so crucial. Why not do something that's going to allow you to take charge of that? Take charge of your time? Paddy, what would you say in regards to entrepreneurship? What could you do more to improve your current circumstances in that regard?
Patryk Labuzek: Upskilling. Upskilling, definitely doing what you said, doing an extra certificate, attending an extra seminar. But I think also listening more carefully to people with a lot more experience. And instead of talking to them, what a great idea that you have and putting it out there maybe to get funding, to listen to them what they're telling you, the valued advice. So going back to being an entrepreneur is doing things that you're passionate about. But like we said, 99.9% of the time, you fail and you learn on those failures, to forward the progress and hopefully become successful in whatever it is that you want to do. But we need to learn. We need to listen. So listening to more experienced people, to smarter people, to older but as well as young, fresh minds is very important. For me, at least I think listening more would benefit me as an entrepreneur.
Lucas P. Johnson: We are always going to need to listen more and talk less. I think that's crucial. I think that's well said too. Listen more.
Patryk Labuzek: And it goes back to our relationships as well.
Lucas P. Johnson: Exactly, exactly. And entrepreneurship, again, going back to something I heard yesterday when I was listening to YouTube--and YouTube is a powerful, powerful tool. If you're on there, make sure that you're watching some stuff that's actually going to improve your current circumstances versus those 30-minute episodes. I watched this kind of explainer video talking about how you can be more successful in your current environment and your current life and even with your current job. And basically, it was saying that in order for you to become an entrepreneur or at least for people wanting to pay you is you have to become an expert. And Paddy, you touched on that. That was exactly what I was thinking. You have to become an expert in something for people to want to pay you and not necessarily an expert. There's a scale of 1 to 10 when it comes to experts. People that are experts most of the time, they work for a company and they become a SME, a subject matter expert. They become someone that really knows the content and they're not going anywhere. And if they are, they're starting their own business and they are going to sell it. But most of the time, they end up working for the company for many, many years, maybe the rest of their life. That's that's a common track. They're getting paid a ton of money to do something that they love most likely. Why would they be a subject matter expert if they didn't love it? That's a lot of time that they've invested into that particular skill, upskilling. So in that respect, if you want to become an entrepreneur, do something that you love to do, spend more time doing something that you love to do, something that you're going to be passionate about, make you happy and successful and improve your current circumstances and dreams. Make them a reality. Why don't you do more of that? Why don't you--I mean, we all are an expert at something. At least, I like to think that. I like to think I'm an expert at tying my shoes. I know how to do those very well even though I don't have to do that very often especially nowadays. I feel like I'm never leaving my apartment. I know how to create courses and I know how to create websites. And Paddy, he knows how to communicate and we were just going over some of the points that you've talked about. He knows how to admit things that he has done wrong and he wants to improve upon. He's not making the same mistake over and over and over again. Otherwise, that'd be insanity. So Paddy, well said, well said. If you're interested in becoming an entrepreneur, feel free to hit us up on our website Coachington.com where we have tons of free courses and courses as well as coaching. So if you have not, feel free to check that out and we are going through a redevelopment currently but if you are listening to this at a later date, it's most likely live. Now let's go into family. Why is this such an important aspect of the show? Well, if it wasn't for our families, we would not be the people we are. Paddy and I would be so much different if we were raised by different people. And I'm so humbled and grateful for every single second that my parents have invested in me. They've invested in sporting events and they've invested in all these other opportunities in my life. I won't go into detail because there's too many to list. But I'm grateful and humbled to be able to have the parents that I have and the brothers that I have and sisters-in-laws and so forth, and the families outside of my family, my cousins and all that. I'm grateful for all that because they've made me the person that I am. So Paddy, I know how important family is to you. I know that without it, you would not be the person you are. You wouldn't be in the circumstance or the situation you're in now. So add something to the show about why you don't do more in regard to family. Whether it be why don't you spend that extra 25 minutes having that conversation with your mom or dad or why don't you spend that 15 minutes playing Xbox or PlayStation with your brother or whatever? I mean what goes through your head whenever it comes to family?
Patryk Labuzek: Well, I couldn't agree with you more that family is important. I feel like it's one of the main pillars that hold our lives together. Obviously, they shaped us in whatever way by what they did through their teachings, through the help that we were getting all the time even now constantly. But why don't I spend 20 minutes or 20 minutes more talking to them, doing stuff with them is I feel like it's probably the same for you, it's probably the same too for the listeners is that prioritizing something else. At this very minute, I'm prioritizing the podcast over having a cup of coffee with my dad, talking about how his day was.
Lucas P. Johnson: Decaf, of course.
Patryk Labuzek: Yes. Or helping my mom with shopping or driving my brother to the party that he wanted to go and now he has to take a bus or something like that. It's always prioritizing something else. And for myself, what I need to work on to develop myself into the person that I want to become is learn how to prioritize more effectively. So pick out what's really important rather than what I might be feeling right now. Like oh, I might be feeling I want to go for a beer with my friends but our parents might not be there in 20, 30 years' time, 40. Well, hopefully they're around for as long as possible but time is limited. And going back to time again, time is limited for every one of us and it's important to prioritize what's really important and to help people. And in order to help people, we need to receive help as well. So prioritizing, prioritizing that 30 minutes in a day to play with your brother, prioritizing that hour to speak with your parents and helping them with shopping, going to church with them, for example, over something that's not going to bring a benefit to your personal life. So scrolling Instagram, for example,
Lucas P. Johnson: Learn how to prioritize more effectively is exactly what I took away from that, Paddy. And this might sound very kind of odd, kind of weird, but I think we're all weird people in general. Everyone's unique. I actually keep voicemails from my parents. I keep them and I delete all the other ones from other people. My brothers, I keep some too, the stuff that's important to me. Because, Paddy, you said something, you never know how much time you have left with them. You never know. They've given you everything you could ever imagine and whether it's your parent or your guardian, it doesn't matter. They're the people that raised you, the people that have given you life. It doesn't have to be biological. It can be the people that have done everything for you. That's what's important. They've been there for you. They love you. They support you. And I keep those voicemails as a reminder of how much I love them and how much I would do anything to have one last chat with them. So I try to prioritize even though sometimes I'm doing work or I'm sitting on a work call and it's a listen only and my mom or dad calls me. Okay. And I pick that call up because yes, work's very important and I can pick up the notes that I missed but you never know if that might be the last call. Why don't you do more and why don't you do more prioritizing what's important to you? Mine goes faith, family, friends, work. If something's going on in my church, I'm going to them. If my family's got something, I'm going to them because my faith's there. Something's going on with my friends and I had to choose work or my friends. I would choose the friends because they need me. If there's something going on mentally or mental health, I would choose to be there for them because that's what's important to me. So why don't you do more to prioritize what's actually important to you? And I think if you're kind of battling with that right now, take time to analyze situations that have helped develop you and figure out what is important to you. For me, it's faith, family and friends. Paddy, for you, what's important to you if you had to pick three?
Patryk Labuzek: I think it's pretty much the same as for you, Lucas, and in exactly the same order as well.
Lucas P. Johnson: Faith, family, friends. That seems to be a very--
Patryk Labuzek: I would also add one more thing to that. I would add tradition because taking, for example, whilst we come from two different cultures and keeping to your tradition is very important for your person to show who you really are because our traditions kind of define us in a certain way. How do you spend your Christmas, for example? How do you spend your time with your family? I think that's all part of tradition, what you do with your family, your religion and any festivities. And it really defines you as a person.
Lucas P. Johnson: Yeah. That's really crucial is tradition and really kind of brings you again going back to who you are as a person is you've been raised that way. Whether you're celebrating Easter or Christmas or you're going through all these different holidays, you've been raised that way and it's important to keep an open mind especially with every coming from friends. People have different traditions. They have different ways of doing things in their life and just keep your mind open because nowadays there are so many people trying to divide us. There are so many people that are trying to put a giant barrier in between who we are. Whether you're from a different country and you're trying to come visit this country or me going to Ireland or Europe in any nature, no one should put a divide between who we are. We're all human. We all have perspectives and we're all trying to grow mankind and improve who we are. We're trying to improve the world. We're trying to become a world learner. We're trying to improve an understanding of what cultures that surround us and so forth. So just stop dividing. If you trying to divide people in your life, make sure you understand the circumstances and understand also what we talk about in every episode, things are not as beautiful as you always think. Give that a thought before you start judging, before you start getting involved in other people's kind of situations surrounding their family. And what can you do more to improve that family bond or improve your own family relationship or any of these kind of components that we've discussed so far. And last but not least, Paddy, we have two areas of focus that we're going to group together is fear and comparison. Fear and comparison are I think right in line with each other. I fear judgement. I fear what people think about me. I fear what is someone going to say about me on my YouTube video. Or comparison. I wish I was just like that person that's got 900 million subscribers. I wish that I had blonde hair or I wish I had blue eyes. These are things that people compare themselves. Or I'm not as skinny as that person. So fear and comparison are in line. What can you do more to improve your thought process? What can you do more to improve those negative thoughts? Because when you have those negative thoughts--and Paddy, I'm going to jump over to you here in a second--when you have negative thoughts, you know how they affect you, right? They change the way that you are thinking about every single situation. Every single object and every component of your life is altered because you have those negative thoughts. So fear and comparison are right in line. And Paddy, what can you do more to improve not having those negative thoughts, to improve what do you fear and also improve how to stop kind of that comparison and that boundary that separates us between people?
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. Like you said, Lucas, fear and comparison, I think they are right on the same line. And especially now, like in the 21st century, in the time of social media where we open our social media app and you just see your guy who's also 25, 24 but right now he's making millions whereas you and me I know are close. So you're comparing yourself. You're comparing yourselves to that person but things are not always as beautiful as they seem. I mean down the line, you might be richer, richer spiritually, richer with your family. But I mean what you see, what you see daily, you're comparing yourself to it. You have a fear of being judged. And that's definitely true for me. I have a fear of being judged and that goes to building my confidence. I'm building my confidence upon that fear of being judged, of being compared to the other people. So I'm trying to put those negative thoughts out of my head. I like to think of myself as an optimist but I wasn't always that way. It's a learning process. I got here in the end where I think positively. It doesn't always happen. We all have bad days. But 90% of the time, I feel I'm an optimist. I think about things positively. I'm not trying to compare myself with others. I'm trying to be me and do what I do, what I think I do best and develop upon my different skills or pick something up, something new completely. But going back a few years maybe when Instagram was more of what I was looking at before I had full time work, had more time and all that kind of stuff and I would follow a bunch of people, a bunch of influencers whether they were good or bad and that's up to me and up to you whoever you're following. But there are good and bad influencers. I feel like there's the positive content out there and the negative content out there and the negative content being that somebody looks down on you that you're not doing enough to be in that place. So I decided to start unfollowing those people, those accounts that had a negative impact on my mental health and focusing more on looking at nature and positive things, positive influencers, people that bring something extra to your life, something that you can learn from, from their experience. And yeah, that's it. If I could do something more, I'd do more of that. That'd be building my portfolio let's say on my social media of only positive, positive thoughts and positive people, positive experiences.
Lucas P. Johnson: That's a great example. Phenomenal. So let's just take this and show how it's kind of going to be relevant in your life. One of the courses that we've been developing is called Project Job Interview and it's targeted towards helping to inspire you and build your story, craft your narrative to win and become successful in your job interview as well as carrying that job offer. But one of the things we talk about in that course is your brand reputation. Who are you, your personal brand says a lot about you and even from your influencer perspective, some of those influencers actually have an entire content team that they work with to make sure that their content is in line with their brand image. Now there are others that are not so in line and we all make mistakes, we all put things out in the world that necessarily shouldn't be there and people are trying to compare themselves. As an influencer, you are influencing your youth, you're influencing people of all ages. So just make sure--and even if you, obviously we're not all influencers, we don't all have 50, 60 million followers or more or less, even even 10 thousand is a lot of followers. Okay? So you need to make sure, and going back to Project Job Interview, we discuss this is managing your reputation starts with you. And now there are brand reputation scanners out there and you can look them up online. They'll help you go through your posts and find different areas in your life that--this is going back to why don't you do more--is why don't you do more to create a better brand image of yourself. That could be going through and examining each and every one of those posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and making sure there's no nudity or alcohol or drugs or anything of that nature because your impact going back to comparison and fear is your impact, you could lose a potential career. You could completely put your resume in the garbage can at that point because of the things that you've posted or the things that you've said. So I'm just going to say it like this. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Don't do the same thing over and over and over again and expect it to be okay. Okay? Because it's definitely not going to be like that. So Paddy, do you want to add anything to that before we jump into a nice little close and wrap it up?
Patryk Labuzek: I don't think there is anything to add at this stage. There was a lot of topics, a lot of questions. I think that's a lot of wrap up.
Lucas P. Johnson: Fantastic. So I'm going to say this before we give a recap. Make sure that you're doing things in your life that are really going to make you think for yourself and do things that are going to allow you to grow. Why don't you do more in every aspect of your life? So since we're in a good place to wrap up, Paddy doesn't have anything else to add, I'm going to give you an idea of what we'll be talking about in our next episode and what we will be focusing on. And these are kind of sequential. So again, if you're watching, make sure that you start from the beginning and work your way through because we like to build on each of the lessons that you learn in each of these episodes from things are not as always as beautiful as you think to even defining success or half the battle is showing up. They all build on each other and we like to understand what's going on in our lives to help you and help build on that. So our next topic for next week is going to be exciting and it's called Being Afraid of the Comments, Dislikes and Views. We talked about a little bit of that today and fear and comparison. So it's going to be exciting because I think we've all been there. With that said, let me give you a quick recap of what we discussed in this episode. It was an exciting, exciting topic for today. We talked about comfort zones, opening yourself up and doing more to come out of your comfort zones. Commitment, choosing your priorities, making priorities and learning how to prioritize more effectively. We talked about your professional, social and your personal life. We went and focused in on regrets. Love life, confidence, your professional circumstances, entrepreneurship which was one of the most important I think in there. I mean they're all important but entrepreneurship is crucial. And we also focused in on family, fear and comparison. So this week, homework wise, I want to give you a task because every week we'd like to give you a little bit of something to help you improve and develop further. And since this topic is why don't you do more, I want you to do something that's going to improve your life whether you spend an extra 10 minutes reading a book or watching YouTube videos that are going to inspire you and motivate you to do something better. If you have not, maybe read the book from last week that Paddy talked about, Atomic Habits. That is very, very--I think it was really good talking about how habits are going to affect your life. There's also a bunch of books I have on my shelf that I could probably recommend but at this point in time, do something that's going to be productive for yourself and increase your chances of building a better life for yourself and your future. Also, we just launched our Patreon membership community where you can become one of our elite supporters and gain exclusive access to early releases, live streams and Q&A. We have a few different tiers available with some pretty sweet perks. So make sure to check them out. Go to ProjectDreamMastery.com/listen and click on the red button that says become a Patreon to learn more. If you have not already, please make sure to give the show a review, subscribe, like and share so that we can reach more amazing listeners just like you. All of our shows are available in both audio and video form. Check out our website at ProjectDreamMastery.com/listen to access the full experience. Again, thank you so much for joining us today. We look forward to seeing you on the next episode to come. We'll talk to you soon.
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A show completely focused on mastering dreams, unlocking potential, recognizing opportunities and utilizing them to build a full, happy life without any compromises.
Take on the journey with us to defy expectations, dream big, and love deeply. Discover how these three pillars will help you overcome your fears, unlock your hidden potential, and build a better life for yourself and your family. Here at PDM we are challenging the status quo of what it means to follow your dreams and challenge you to unlock the power those dreams will bring to your life. We welcome your feedback!
Lucas P. Johnson
This guy is a dream seeking, travel loving, extrovert with a passion for helping others. Lucas is also the Founder & CEO of multiple startup companies including Coachington
Patryk Labuzek
This guy has a passion for traveling the world and making an impact everywhere he goes. Patryk is the Co-Founder & CTO of “PDM” and also runs alwayssomewhere.net
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