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Show Notes
Welcome to yet another episode of the Project Dream Mastery podcast which challenge the status quo of what it means to follow your dreams and how to unlock the power those dreams will bring to your life. The hosts, Lucas P. Johnson and Patryk Labuzek, are two young, ambitious, and goofy guys that provide a completely fresh perspective on life, dreams, and aspirations. This episode explores the unique components that lay at the brim of “homework.” Think back to your primary education days when homework took up a better part of your evenings, or even now for your children. Now erase any thought of your primary education days and look at this homework as your future! The hosts will guide you along a beautiful journey to your inner-self as they shed light on the importance homework will have on your future. ‘You stop learning when you stop doing homework’ is a mantra these hosts swear by in their lives. Many times, people avoid doing homework because they fear to commit to a certain routine in their life that will improve their current circumstances.
The unscripted nature of the podcast is something that will appeal to people who are always on their toes and looking to hear what’s next. Their understanding of life is backed by the abundant number of anecdotes that range from their childhood to university years, multiple business startups, and many experiences in different countries. Lucas and Patryk have been through their share of highs and lows and have had experiences like the rest, which adds to the quirkiness of the podcast. Do not expect this podcast to make you feel guilty about doing or not doing certain things because as we said earlier, this an open dialogue where no one is perfect. The phrase “you stop learning because no one is giving you homework” can ultimately be avoided by doing something as simple as picking up your favorite book or maintaining a journal or maybe even binging on your favorite series. What matters is if it gets you excited and if you feel you can learn something out of it, you must go for it! Lucas and Paddy have been friends for only a few years but their amazing chemistry will show you what is possible when you finally put a stop to the impossible and make it possible. They met as part of an exchange program during university and since then, have accompanied each other on many trips, breathtaking adventures, and business startups. Embark on a voyage of self-discovery with them as you see a glimpse of yourself in their stories. We only ask that you take away one line from this episode: “Things do not have to be pitch-perfect in your life… because it is your confidence, empathy, and belief that will take you on the adventure you seek!” Now assign yourself some homework to get your Dream Journey started today 🙂
You'll Learn
About the importance of homework for self-growth and development.
- Why it is not worth delaying things that are important to you.
- That neglecting your homework is like neglecting yourself.
- Why you should not spend your life fulfilling the expectations that others have on you but the importance of spending it on your own.
- How to unleash your true potential by not limiting yourself.
- That you should prioritize yourself, the things that truly matter to you, and letting your guard down with people you care about.
- About the impact traveling and following your passions has on your personal growth.
Quotes From This Episode
If the quotes below resinate with you, we ask that you please share them with your network as your friends might find them just as inspiring! Thank you for being A-M-A-ZING and taking on the challenge to pursue your dreams with us, by your side.
Your reality can be significantly changed and altered by the decisions that you make, by the routines you make, and by your priorities. Do accordingly. Share on XThings are not always as beautiful as you think they are. Share on X
Resources [Homework This Week] 😉
Disclaimer: Project Dream Mastery is listener-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
- Read “Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds” by Carmine Gallo [https://amzn.to/3iRlgG0]
- Check out Patryk's Travel Blog, Always Somewhere! [alwayssomewhere.net]
- Try giving yourself some homework that will benefit your dreams and promote your future!
PDM 002: You Stop Learning Because No One is Telling You That You Have Homework
Narrator: Welcome to the home of Project Dream Mastery. Here at PDM we are challenging the status quo of what it means to follow your dreams and how to unlock the power those dreams will bring to your life. The show experience will be unscripted, authentic and transparent. So now sit back, relax, and get inspired with your hosts Lucas Johnson and Patryk Labuzek.
Lucas P. Johnson: Hello and welcome to the second episode of the Project Dream Mastery show. My name is Lucas P. Johnson based out of Charlotte, North Carolina and I am one of the two hosts here at PDM and the other man behind the mic and also one of my best friends, business partners, co-founders of PDM and co-host for the PDM show, Patryk Labuzek. Can I mention that he's based out of Ireland and was born in Poland? How cool is that? Patryk, how are you doing today man? Are you excited?
Patryk Labuzek: Oh I am so pumped. I'm glad it's the second episode. Everything is coming together great. We have so many stories to tell. I'm just looking forward to telling them! You know?
Lucas P. Johnson: There are just so many epic stories that we have that I feel like when they get out there, we're not going to be able to have anything to use at the bar or, you know, any pickup lines. Cause they're just going to be out there. Everyone's going to know them.
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. Yeah. I fear that too. There's just so many. Half of me is thinking? People are just not going to believe what we're saying to, you know, some of those stories are just so bizzare. Amazing
Lucas P. Johnson: Patryk, how about when we drove through the Grand Canyon and all of a sudden there's fires. I'm serious. Crazy Shit happens when we're together. Controlled burn they said. I was thinking Paddy what did you do buddy, what did you do? All right, well, enough of that talk, let's, let's get into the topic of our show today. We will be focusing on and I talked about this briefly in the last show. So if you were paying attention, some brownie brownie points to you, the days we're going to be focused on basically one word, Homework. To kind of make that a little bit broader. We're going to say you stop learning because no one is telling you that you have homework. Let me give you a minute to think about that?
Lucas P. Johnson: What does that mean to you? Because for me, I was sitting in a very unique set up. I took two lawn chairs and I decided to go out on my balcony and start reading a book and it was by Jeff Walker. Great book! It, any book by Jeff Walker is just incredible. I'm just going to say that from the start. That's a shout out to the man, but I was sitting out there in a very awkward setup and it was a great set up too. Two lawn chairs, had my feet up and all of a sudden it's 85 degrees and sunny. It was supposed to be rainy and cloudy, but it was just cloudy. I thought it was going to be, so I went out there. I was like, all right, cool! I want to get a little bit of sun white it's nice. And started reading this book and started realizing myself, wow Lucas. When was the last time you actually read a book without being told?
Lucas P. Johnson: I really had to think about that. And I've read a book. Over the last four years. I've read many books, but all of those books have been forced upon me. That is all of my literature classes, English classes, math books, you know, math classes, history and so forth. And I'm 23 years old. Paddy's 24. We've had our fair share of books, but I don't know how many times I've really went out of my way besides for when I was interested in something. So that goes back to the question. How many times have you actually done something when it wasn't homework, for example, even a math quiz or, you know, pre-practice stuff, say SATs here in the United States or what else do we have? All of those big tests... You've got GMATs and you know, all those tests, LSATs.
Lucas P. Johnson: A lot of times you're prepping for those because you have to, otherwise you're not going to get into the school, but how many times have you sat down and did that awkward, comfortable, you know, position like me out on the porch and just say to yourself, wow, I don't really feel like reading this book. Then you start reading it and you realize you're 80 90 pages in and you go... There is so much immense value in this book. Paddy, how many times have you done that where you're just like, all right. I don't really feel like doing this, but I'm going to do it because I know I have to.
Patryk Labuzek: Ugh Definitely. Let me think.
Lucas P. Johnson: You think, and I'll let your network get a little bit better cause you know, we are broadcasting from two different countries, but you know, the best part about this show is you are having an amazing time having conversations with us and going into some deep topics.
Lucas P. Johnson: Whenever we have the opportunity to have that great network, especially with COVID-19 circumstances. So I'm going to answer that while Paddy has some time to really think about it. You're good. You're good. While Paddy has some time to think about it as well. For me, I, I really had all this time in my life, just a lot of it. And how many times have I said, I don't want to go to the gym because I don't have time? How many times have I said, Oh, I don't want to eat that cause I don't like it or I don't feel like cooking? I don't have time to cook. I don't have time to go to the grocery store. How many times? I mean, this is, this is real life. This is why I said homework. If you're not told to do something, then you typically don't go out and do it. Unless someone is forcing
Lucas P. Johnson: You to do stuff, especially something you don't want to do. Like dishes, dishes, ugh scrubbing those dishes are awful. And if it didn't make all these bugs come into my place, probably wouldn't do them. Don't get me wrong. I live in a very clean apartment. Everything's clean as you can see, but it's going back to homework in all these times in your life. You have, I have about, I don't know, 40 or 50 books that are up there that I've told myself that I'm going to read. I've read maybe 10 of those books in the last. And these are just books that I've purchased for myself. No one has told me I had to purchase them. No one told me I had to read them. These are books that I thought I would be genuinely interested in. And now they've been on a bookshelf for the last four or five years. How many times have you been in that position where you said you were going to do something, you just haven't? Project Dream mastery is exactly that. So Paddy, how many times have you been there?
Patryk Labuzek: Quite frequently actually and I think it's part of who we
Patryk Labuzek: Humans are, just lazy. Lazy creatures. The thing is especially now in the 21st century where all the information and everything that we want, comes really easy to us in a click of a button that says you Google, whatever you're interested in and there's your whole everything. These are our internet of information, right? So we're very used to just getting things done really quickly. At an instance. You know, it has to be here now. Like we're constantly rushing and because of that rush. You always tell yourself, like you mentioned before, Oh, I don't have time to do this. I don't have time to do this. Even though you might feel like I'm interested in that particular subject in a particular book that you said, you know, I don't have time to do this. Well, it's important to kind of, make yourself do homework and the title of this talk right now, homework. It's the homework, I think motivates us to get things done. Like, in the back of your head you're like okay, this is homework. Since we were five, six going to school, there has always been homework. Because without homework you're not going to get anything done. So you've been told by your teacher, okay, this is your english homework, math, history, write this essay, that essay, have to read this play or this poem or whatever it may be. So, so coming up with our own routine, where you put homework on yourself now that we're out of school out of college, universities is very important to make ourselves do things because it's so easy to just say, Oh, we don't have time because we work full time jobs. We don't have time to, you know,
Lucas P. Johnson: Yeah.
Patryk Labuzek: To do important things that will help us develop more as people. And we kind of laid them back. First of all, because we're lavy. Second of all, because we have different things to do so just scroll through Instagram feed, for example. So what I'm getting at is it's important to have a routine of putting homework on yourself and on, you know, making that time to do it.
Lucas P. Johnson: Putting homework first is, is definitely a priority. I mean you, yeah. And I mean, if you're not, if you're not putting that homework first, you're, you're actually neglecting yourself. And that's, that's what I took away from that is you, you have all these opportunities in your life to really learn something. And how many times have you just said, come on mom, five more minutes. I mean, we, we're both grown, grown men, grown adults out in the real world. And you know, even then it's just, Hey, five more minutes. I'll get to that in five more minutes. But five minutes, five more minutes turns into 10, 15 an hour and so forth. And it's really important. And this is what we want to focus on is sometimes you have expectations that are set on you, but those expectations are your own. You need to expect from yourself that you're going to go and you're going to learn.
Lucas P. Johnson: You're going to put yourself first sometimes. Not all the time. Don't be selfish. Okay. Don't be selfish now, but you got to put yourself first. And if that's 90% of the time, great, if that's a hundred percent of the time, great. As long as it's not all the time, you need to put yourself first, you need to focus on the shit that you need to get done. And that, that could be, you know, I need to go read this book. That was me yesterday. I, I said, Hey, I could watch another seven hours of Netflix and binge, like I've been for all of COVID-19 and you know, or I can go run, which is, you know, I like to run. So that's not a big deal. Or I can read this book that I've had sitting here for the last four years. I turned off the TV, turned off the laptop.
Lucas P. Johnson: I went outside because I knew if I stayed inside, I was not going to start that book. I read 85 pages of that book in like an hour or so, maybe, maybe a little longer. And then I decided that I wanted to keep reading. I got myself a coffee, brought my two lawn chairs inside instead of sitting on the couch, actually put it back together, put my feet up. And I sat back in my same damn chair because it was so comfortable. So the trick in this coffee and I'm currently was saying to Paddy before we started this call, I started with a nutritionist. So I am like very particular about the food I've been eating and all this. And I decided, I was like, Hey, I want a coffee. It wasn't part of my meal plan. It wasn't part of the plan for that meal.
Lucas P. Johnson: I was like, you know what? I need this coffee. Cause I want to read this book. I prioritize myself because I knew if I didn't have that coffee, I wasn't going to read those pages. So, and Paddy was, he brings up such a great point is, is prioritizing yourself, prioritizing your mindset for your success. And sometimes those expectations you have to set for yourself. Don't limit yourself to just the things people set on. You don't limit yourself on don't limit your potential. Don't limit yourself to become not the best version of you. I mean, Project Dream Mastery really just wants you to really become the best possible you that you can possibly be. So Paddy, I'm going to pass it back over to you and let you add any value you would like for homework.
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah, see there is a lot of things going on in our lives. There's a lot of things that we want to achieve, we want to do. For me, August, 2018 came back from Australia, had this amazing time. I was like, okay, I want to create this log for myself alwayssomewhere.net and you know, before releasing it. I had a little bit of content there. But over time I realize it's gotten very difficult to write those posts. Not difficult, that I don't have things to talk about. I don't have quality content because there's so much. There is so much you know, we, we do things all the time. Well, not now due to COVID-19, I guess that's a little bit of a pause for us this year, but you know, yourself, we were doing things all the time. Meeting up here doing our reunions, all that kind of stuff, adding to those experiences. But what I'm getting at is it got very difficult to commit to the blog because it started to feel like a routine.
Patryk Labuzek: You know, I was saying just a few minutes ago that it's important to put a routine on yourself. To motivate yourself to do certain things, but at some points on that, on that journey, I feel like that routine just became boring to us. So it's important to when I'm getting back to is what you said, putting yourself sometimes first and making yourself feel good. You know, like if it's getting that coffee or, you know, it's like taking your laptop, going to the beach or write your blog posts there, or, you know, just picking up your camera, going into the forest, just outside the door and take, take a few shots and then coming back to do some work. And it's very important to add a little bit of color to your routine, a little bit of color to your homework and keep going. You keep going essentially.
Lucas P. Johnson: So your word there is priority. So what I'm taking away. So we have routine, we have priority, we have selfish. Those are three giant words that stemmed from homework. I think that's crazy. I mean, an idea that is so minuscule. I mean, this idea is on a [post-it-note] right here. That that's the idea. That is what Project Dream Mastery is I mean, you have a dream, you have a vision, you see, and you think about these things in a very complex manner. And I'm not trying to simplify this in any way, shape or form. I'm really just trying to say here that you're reality can be significantly changed and altered by the decisions that you make by the routines you make by your priorities. And by being selfish, those three things can help you be they can be applicable to homework. I mean, if you just go out and you learn something new, you never know when that could change your future, that could change the person you, you intend to be, or that you want to be. Paddy
Lucas P. Johnson: and I had, some really crazy times this summer. For example, I never was big into camping. In fact, I was never really big into the outdoors. I like to go hunting with my dad for quality time, but rarely did I ever, I know shoot any animals. I just never really was about that. Yes. I like to go hunting with my dad it's good quality bonding, but I had those opportunities over the last few years to kind of take that time and prioritize all this stuff. You know, we went camping and I'm going back to what we were saying. I got really, I got sidetracked to that. I was focused on my dad. He's, he's a, he's a really important person in my life. Sorry. But going back to that, I, I like going outdoors and doing all that kind of stuff. But the camping aspect, that was a giant leap for me, that was a, probably a giant leap for Paddy. I know he likes to do crazy things and I like to follow along. And I also like to do crazy things too, but we
Patryk Labuzek: We'll put it this way Lucas. If I can interrupt you there. You know, I'm all about doing crazy things on an adventure you know, I slept in Bamboo Huts in the middle of rain forest in the summer, and a deserted island in the Philippines, for example. But camping in the United States, in the state of Arizona, and just cooking our chicken on a grill. And then hearing the bears coming out at night. That was wild. That was something I wasn't prepared for. That was scary. You know, I just wanted to add that. That was insane.
Lucas P. Johnson: Hypothetically I did not hypothetically, no one put the chicken anywhere close to the tent, you know, the campgrounds.
Patryk Labuzek: Not at all! Not at all!
Lucas P. Johnson: That did not happen.
Lucas P. Johnson: First time camping for everyone. Right. I forgot about that. That's great though. That's great. I mean, you've done some serious camping and I'm trying to, I want to bring this back, cause I don't want to get off track from our topic, but this is really relevant. Paddy, he has done some serious, serious camping in terms, you know, as I do the little ugh-huh camping. He was out in the middle of Thailand and the Philippines doing crazy stuff like just living in this, this Hut, I mean you can go ahead and explain that. I think that's really, that'd be cool context here. Go ahead.
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. So yeah, crazy crazy stories to tell and one of them is my time in Philippines. Panama Island and it's considered actually one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It truly is. So if anybody, if you have an experience of going, do not think twice about it, it's worth every penny it's worth going on the trip. It's worth seeing all those beautiful things because they can't be seen anywhere in the world to complete my trip. I decided, or we with my very good friend, we decided, you know, to be a little bit local... ehhh it wasn't a little bit! We lived for a week straight. I'd say we live in a small bamboo hut, eh, in the middle of nowhere with books, no electricity, no running water, mosquitoes, snakes, spiders, you name it. It was just the most. It was the most surreal experience because it was one of those moments that kind of got to live life in present. I got to enjoy every little thing. I was like waking up to sun rises, you know, going to see just after sunset that there was not a care in the world because I didn't have an internet. I wasn't checking my phone every ten minutes to see if somebody messaged me, if I have to reply.
Lucas P. Johnson: So you weren't listening to Project Dream Mastery podcast that wasn't existent yet.
Patryk Labuzek: Unfortunately not which is a big bugger you know? Yeah. And it was living in that moment. So at the end of the day, I think simplicity, it makes us go back to the nature of being human. I got to reconnect with nature and living in that hut was just something wild, you know.
: Have you ever done that before?
Patryk Labuzek: Never. Never. Of course not. We live in the Western world, me and you. We live in nice houses, well relatively nice houses, whatever you define as a nice. We live in houses. We have hot showers whenever we want a hot shower. In Philippines I've experienced that hot shower is something only a percentage of our population has. Running water is only something that a certain percentage, a small percentage of the world's population has. And it's wild. Like when I go back home after the Philippines, the first thing I did was I went and had a hot shower. And that felt, I felt like I was a millionaire. I felt great. I was like, I have a hot shower, those simple things that we take for granted every day.
Patryk Labuzek: Are huge to some other people.
: Paddy you bring up a great point there too is. It goes back to again, I think one of the words we have identified is selfish. You know, we live in a world where we are selfish. We, we like the things we have. I like having running water. I like having a dishwasher. I like, I like all these things that, that some folks don't have and actually a great deal of the world doesn't have. I mean, even when we were in Australia, they, I mean, yes, they have dishwashers over there, but most homes don't have them. I mean, you, you have to be in a, you know, a prestigious part of the community to kind of, kind of have them. I mean, it's just water costs. It's expensive over there. I mean, you're on a giant Island.
Lucas P. Johnson: So going back to the word is, is being selfish. And you realize that being over there and experiencing that kind of stuff, that pivoting back to homework, you took that kind of leap. You, you invested in yourself to learn about the culture you invest in yourself to, to become better, to, to progress your future, to live a life. I mean, yeah, it traveling, you really want it to do. And that's what you want. Your experiences to be. And that's really amazing. But when it's all said and done, it really helped build you. It helped make you a, I would like to say a better person. It helped you learn about the culture. It helped you. I mean, there's so many things. You probably have takeaways and you have so many things that you've grown from over these last few years, just from your travels. I mean, you lived in China for a year. That's... Will get into that. It's a whole nother topic, but Paddy lived in China for a year. He lived in Australia for six months. He traveled. He's been to how many countries have you been to?
Patryk Labuzek: I can't remember. On top of my head I'd say probably 25, 26 close to 30.
Lucas P. Johnson: So you're not Lexi limitless. You haven't done all 196 or so. She is a, you know, you, you brought up something. I don't want to get too far off the topic, but I think this actually will be relevant is, is being unique and, and kind of a, you know, priorities a lot of times on Instagram and then Paddy, you were bringing this up a lot of times on Instagram, we, and even here on this show, we try to hide things. You know, we aren't, but you know, sometimes we try to hide things that we don't want everyone to know. We're trying to be transparent. But going back to the Instagram thing is a lot of times when Instagram, you see the things people want you to see, you see all these famous people that have all these great lives and in these amazing yachts and you know, the families that are pitch perfect and all this good stuff, but in reality, they have problems too.
Lucas P. Johnson: And they're the first ones to admit it. And, you know, might, their Instagram might look pretty and they have all these great luxes on, I know always filters on their, their, their photos, but that's part of, that's part of the image. That's part of who you are. And Lexie limitless, you know, wants to travel and has holds a record for one of the youngest folks to travel to every, or is it every, not every country, but every can't remember the exact what term, what the word is. But sovereign nation I believe is what is every sovereign nation, 196, I believe is what she did. I may be off on that. So Lexi, I don't think you're listening, but if you are
Lucas P. Johnson: Great well, you know,
Lucas P. Johnson: It's really great. You're very, you're inspirational. But going back to that, as Paddy was saying that she put up a post and I saw it as well. It was about how she traveled all these countries. And she had all of these serious things happen to her. I mean, Bali belly, I had that, I know that sucks. I know that sucks. That is awful. That is horrific salmonella, all that stuff that comes along with it is just awful. And I wouldn't wish that upon the world, anyone, but she put up a post talking about how there's all these expectations that people have on us. And, you know, they want you to, they only want to see the good, they never want to see the bad. They never want you to let your guard down. Cause when you let your guard down people, don't always like what they see. And I mean, Paddy, I'm going to let you, I want you, I don't, I'm not gonna let you, you can speak at any time, of course!
Lucas P. Johnson: But sorry. That's, I'm trying to get that word out. It's been
Lucas P. Johnson: The engraved from, from other things. But going back to that is, there is so many things in your life. When you let your guard down, you don't know if people are gonna like you. And part of this show is, is saying, Hey, you know, be yourself, be transparent because when you are yourself and you let people see who you truly are. That one thing we talked about in the previous show is confidence that all of a sudden skyrockets, because you have nothing to prove to anyone and even going back to homework. I mean, Paddy traveling and seeing these countries and doing these things has allowed him to build and build who he is as a person and invest in himself. So Paddy, I'm not to jump away from Lexi Limitless, cause I really want you to speak to that. What are your, what do you want to say to that? Cause you had a really great point the other day. I don't know if I encompassed it all.
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. So Lexi Limitless puts a lot of post up on her stories from her travels and her experiences of all those beautiful places, but she, she made a very powerful point that kind of struck me as she she's telling me one of her stories that things are not always as beautiful as you think they are. Mmm. You know, it's, it's great to travel and do all of those things but with you're taking certain risks. And sometimes I've just gotta say it this way, stuff goes down. You know, she getting back to what you were saying, she put her guard down and shown herself in a very vulnerable state to all of us with, with all different kinds of sicknesses and hospitals with injuries, viruses, all kinds of stuff. And you don't get to see that every day. For example, open up your feed right now. Look at the first picture you see and I bet it is something filtered. Beautiful. Perfect, a perfection. Right. But it is the ugly things that are not shown a lot of the times the, the ugly things are the reality.
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah. Just to finish this off. Yeah. The youngest, exactly reality. A lot of the time. And she there was just a very powerful story. You know, it made me realize that you know, you have to show people the real you, and like you were saying, some people might not like it. Some people might find it disgusting and they turn it off, quit, unfollow you,, whatever it is. But it's the percentage of people that stays. Listens to what you have to say. You know, everybody wants to send a message, which is, you know, when they're playing is important you know it's that percentage of people that stay that are the most, they're the important people.They're your audience. Yeah.
Patryk Labuzek: I guess that is what I am trying to say. Yeah.
Lucas P. Johnson: Paddy, You were saying, going back, I have like, even now I have a light, right. As you can see it on this thing, I have a light above my camera. Cause you know, we are also recording these podcasts. So feel free to check out our Project Dream Mastery YouTube page. If you are listening to this right now and you are not on the YouTube video. So if you are watching, you can actually see this photo. And if you aren't will be quick, we'll jump right past this. But it's my Instagram. And it's, it's basically the Instagram posts that I put up whenever we went to the game of Thrones, dark hedges in Ireland when I came to visit you and your folks. That was,
Lucas P. Johnson: I mean that photo, it came out very dark cause we had a very gloomy day. And as you know, in Ireland, it's, it's rainy most of the time it was raining, rainy summer. And I went and I added a little bit of filter. Cause obviously I am in Ireland, I want that to be a great photo. I want to be able to frame that. And I don't want to, you know, I want people to see how awesome and great time I'm having. And you know, I it's, it's how many times you do that, the people start to see you as, I mean, I'm going to use the simple word fake that's that's what people say nowadays is awe wow It's all fake. But to you, it could be real. You could have seen all those colors. You could have seen how beautiful it was. And if you're using it as your own personal, as for example, Paddy's blog, he uses that as his record, my Instagram, I use that as my record, I use that as something that I can look back at in 20 years from now, hopefully if Instagram is still alive and I I'll be able to look back and say, Hey, this was a really great memory of mine.
Lucas P. Johnson: That's that's my way of my memories being logged. Now I'm going to pivot us back from Lexi limitless. Paddy, you made a great point there. And I really am glad that we, even though it wasn't really, you know, this show is completely unscripted. So if you're listening to this, we go into a lot of different things in one show, but they're all relating back to the central topic of it. So from that, you have learned that it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to have a routine. It's okay to prioritize yourself and prioritize, prioritize your, your own expectations, prioritize your own future and your dreams. And you know, you don't always have to be pitch perfect. You can defy those expectations. You, you really, you can, those expectations that people have on you that you have to be perfect. No, no, no, no, no.
Lucas P. Johnson: So going back to homework pivoting way, way back to homework, you stop learning because no one is telling you that you have homework. From this so far, I've learned that if you just go out and you do something that you're really interested in, you're going to learn something. And that's just a simple ask that we have from you today. Go out and learn something new. So maybe it's something you're interested in. So if you really love Netflix and you really love that show, go ahead, go watch, go binge that show because you might, you might learn something. You might learn something about yourself, watching that show. There's a bunch of things I've binged I've binged. And I've just been like, wow, Oh, I can do better. You know, documentaries and stuff like that. There's really great content out there. So you do something today. That's going to improve your future. It's pretty much that simple is you stop learning because no one is telling you that you have homework, give yourself homework. Even if it's in something that you're not passionate about. Do you ever know when you might use that random fact? I mean, how many times have you been there? You're like, well, shit, I actually know that or, well, shit, I actually, I have some facts on that, some fun facts
Patryk Labuzek: Such as us Lucas from our Marine environment class, where we learned how currents were formed. [cross-talk]
Lucas P. Johnson: Exactly, again, that's not investing in yourself, that's investing in your memories. I'm sorry University of new South Wales, we will do better. But I, you know, I, I really there's a lot of things we can, we can jump on to for this topic, but in interest of time I think Paddy and I really have brought together all of our focuses on this topic. I mean, you got to prioritize what you really care about. That's one, you got to prioritize your own expectations. You got to create a routine. If you think it's going to be needed to progress your future, you gotta be selfish sometimes. You got to do things that are going to help you progress and help you become a better person, to help you follow your dreams. You have to do things that are truly going to benefit. Maybe yourself and your family.
Lucas P. Johnson: You can't always be in that position in your life where everything's about other people, because we live in a life, especially now with COVID-19 going on. And hopefully that this, this whole thing comes to an end very shortly. Well, we live in a time where we are in the best possible point in our future and our time right now for our future to become better because we have this time to promote our future, to promote our wellness, to promote our current circumstances, to promote our, you know, our, our learning and all this stuff while we're home. And we're stuck at home, do things now to promote a better future. Paddy, do you, do you have anything else you want to add to this before we close?
Patryk Labuzek: Yeah I am just going to add It's okay to not be perfect. So, you know, like people have certain expectations. But just like Lexi Limitless, you know, she has millions of followers. Right. Millions of them. And they are, they're following her because of her amazing content, all those beautiful pictures, those beautiful stories. But she decides to show us the ugly as well. And it's important to be a little selfish. Sometimes it's important to show the ugly side of yourself and see what happens.
Lucas P. Johnson: Yeah. And you said something earlier that again, I put down on a sticky note because you said something that really spoke to me and I, Paddy and I have a way of bringing things up that you'll notice my voice will drop and I'll start really starting to think about things as we're having these topics. Cause most of the time it's just me spitting out words. Cause I'm like, ah, you know, I could add to that, but sometimes you really got to think and you know, sometimes it's important to think before you speak. And the one thing that Paddy said was things are not as beautiful as you always think. That hit home for me, how many times have you just kind of sat there and, and, and thought life is great for that person. But in reality. I'm going to use a story quick, real quick.
Lucas P. Johnson: I had a really great friend, really, really great friend when I was 13, 14 years old and his, his brother took his own life. And I mean it wasn't, I wouldn't say great friend. He was someone that lived by me. I've known he's got the same last name. I mean, it was just, it was really and it was hard. I was at church when I found out. And that's one of the reasons why I started the Coachington movement. That was one of the reasons why that came to life is, is because sometimes you don't understand how precious things and how precious your life is until it's gone or until someone takes it away or something crazy happens. And Paddy, when you said things are not as beautiful as you always think it made me think about that moment because I always thought things were so good for him.
Lucas P. Johnson: I always thought things were so good for his brother. And he was going to be a biochemical engineer. I don't even know what that is. He was doing things and going to make a ton of money in life. He was going to do crazy things. And to this day that that impact it's still played on me. I mean, it wasn't someone that I was super close with. I mean his, his brother and I grew up together. So it's it's really hard to say that we weren't close, but that moment, like you said, Paddy things are not always as beautiful as you always think. So give that, give that a whirl and think about that the next time you judge someone. Think about that, the next time you go for your stroll in the mall and you see someone just shopping around and not buying anything or can't afford something.
Lucas P. Johnson: Think about that because you know things are not always as beautiful as you may think they are. That's just a, I know that was really deep.
Patryk Labuzek: That is a very deep thought.
Lucas P. Johnson: That is what the show is about, it's about being real and transparent, some things I don't, I mean, Paddy, there's some things I don't want people to know, and I don't want to talk about, but if I'm asked, I'm going to talk about my life because I don't have anything to hide. I don't have anything to fear because this show is about being honest and being open to people that that might need it. And to, to the listeners and Paddy, I think what you said there, it was just, it was incredible, man. I got to say that. So anything else you want to add?
Patryk Labuzek: At the end of the day this show is about inspiring and motivating. And I think we all need a little bit of a push. And a little bit of abstract thinking. And like you said, it's very important sometimes to sit back and think before you speak. This show or this podcast,
Patryk Labuzek: I meant to say. Gives, the listener as well as ourselves, because as we speak, we have all those different thoughts that we jot things down, in our notepads, post-it-notes, or whatever it may be. You know, new ideas. And it gives us as well as our listeners, the chance to think about things in a different way, with a different perspective than they may have not seen before.
Lucas P. Johnson: Exactly.
Patryk Labuzek: I am just going to end it there.
Lucas P. Johnson: That's a great way to end,
Patryk Labuzek: A full stop.
Lucas P. Johnson: That's a full stop. Take that, that take that. Exactly. So I'm just gonna do a quick wrap. You know, I think I did it already, but I'm just going to do a quick wrap. Think about yourself. Identify with yourself, you know, identify your own expectations. You know, when you're thinking about your homework, you stop learning because no one is telling you that you have no homework or that you have no homework. You know, again, going back, be selfish, you know, set those routines, you know, create those, those personal things in your life, those relationships that are going to help you grow. And if you're going to do one thing today, it's a it's it's, it's trying to do something new, try to do something that's going to promote your wellness, promote your growth and promote your dream.
Lucas P. Johnson: So with that, I'm going to lead into our next episode and let you get a sneak peek at what we're going to be talking about.
Patryk Labuzek: Drum Roll.
Lucas P. Johnson: Drum roll please. So on our next episode, we're going to be talking about; Half The battle is Just Showing Up and this is going to get very deep. So I want y'all to understand that this episode may not always be... These episodes first off may not be for everyone. But this next episode I think is probably for Paddy and I is, is, is going to get deep because we, we both have been there. We've had things in our life that haven't went perfect we've had things that have just really went downhill and we're going to explore those. We're going to explore different avenues in our life that we want to open up to you. So, and hopefully it helps you open up your life to others. So with that said, I hope that you go out and you subscribe so that you have instant access to our next podcast here in Project Dream Mastery. We're so excited to have you on the show. So excited for you to be listening. And we look forward to having you on the next show to come. Paddy, you got anything else to say, buddy?
Patryk Labuzek: Nothing else to add. You just finished it perfectly Lucas. As always!
Lucas P. Johnson: and that's a wrap. All right, we'll see you on the next episode.
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About The Show
A show completely focused on mastering dreams, unlocking potential, recognizing opportunities and utilizing them to build a full, happy life without any compromises.
Take on the journey with us to defy expectations, dream big, and love deeply. Discover how these three pillars will help you overcome your fears, unlock your hidden potential, and build a better life for yourself and your family. Here at PDM we are challenging the status quo of what it means to follow your dreams and challenge you to unlock the power those dreams will bring to your life. We welcome your feedback!

Lucas P. Johnson
This guy is a dream seeking, travel loving, extrovert with a passion for helping others. Lucas is also the Founder & CEO of multiple startup companies including Coachington

Patryk Labuzek
This guy has a passion for traveling the world and making an impact everywhere he goes. Patryk is the Co-Founder & CTO of “PDM” and also runs alwayssomewhere.net
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